The Epic Story That is ME!!Now is time to reminisce on tables of old....
Cue 1988-89 and a young man called Ashley going to his mate Herbies house for his first ever GW game. Herbie was the guy who got me started on all of this so its him you guys can thank
We would be playing an older game called 'Space Marine' which was the precurser to Epic 40,000. He had bought in a few of the miniatures to school a few weeks earlier and I had traded them off of him for a few of my Inquisition Miniatures collection that I had started a few years previously. I had gotten a few bases of marines, a few bikes (they looked like something out of Akira) and a couple of Imperial Guard Walkers (the real dodgy looking ones but in tiny scale)
I had a go at painting them up but the scale was new to me so I was rather unsuccessful...
Anyways I arrived at his house and there sprawled across his loungeroom floor was a battlefield filled with rolling hills and a grand Imperial City. Well thats what my imagination told me.
In reality it was the premade buildings you got from the space marine box (these were cool, cardboard sides and a plastic roof. They looked like skyscrapers and they came in about 4 different heights) The hills were a few books stacked on top of each other... they were all varying shades of green as his mum had quite a library... and trees were the classic poor mans type; the little branchlets you can pull off your plastic christmas tree inserted into some cardboard.
This was my first game and I got absolutely trashed... I didnt know a unit card from a close assault factor (CAF for short) but it was fun indeed.
Let me get something straight here.. I had seen many gaming tables before. I used to venture into a little known store called tactics. Little known is somwhat of a lie as back then it was a mecca for gaming geeks etc. They had some pretty cool looking tables but this article is about the craptastic nature of the tables I have played on and owned in the past.
So I had just got my butt handed to me by the Feral Orcs of the Snakebite Clan so retail therapy was all that could be done to soothe my crushing defeatist mood.
Off to Tactics, his Mum drove us in and it was here that I bought my first ever GW product; RTB01 (for all the vets out there I need not say more on what this box is but for the younger gen to the game it was the first multipart plastic spacemarine box, if I remember correctly it only cost about $35 and you got 30 marines!) was here that I got the Orc bug. Orcs were cool, big and green but the books were still pretty expensive back then and I could not afford one.
So I had got the gaming bug but I needed my own gaming board with which to play out all the battles that were sure to come in the future. I was not too keen to play on the floor as to me it just seemed dirty and a little cheap. What I needed was a surface to play over.
I pulled my mattress off the bed base and slept on the floor as I sacrificed my comfort for my gaming. I slept on the floor for about 2 years before I got a second bed in my room with which to sleep on.
Scenery was of about the same quality as Herbies though I went all out and bought a green sheet with which to place books under. I still had the crappy christmas tree trees (my mum was not amused as our tree had lost about 4 feet in height....) I also made my first purchase mishap in the early nineties. I asked my mum to get me a copy of Space Marine for christmas. Christmas day arrives and I noticed the present was a little small. It turns out she bought me a copy of ultramarines which is possibly the worst ever GW boxed game... think space hulk without the genestealers... dodgy.
I also started having a real crack at making my own scenery around about 92-93. Having seen the movie Alien 3 rekindled my love for the Alien Style (Giger is god) I went out and hired Aliens which is still my fav movie in the trilogy and was inspired by the Aliens 'warren/lair' the organic shapes were very appealing. I had known about mixing petrol and polystyrene to make a slush but wondered if I could melt it in a more controlled manner.
Cue the dope, not the smelly sticky pine kind but the aircraft variety. This stuff is awesome for melting polystyrene. Before long I had turned all the packaging I had into a great series of rooms and corridors in a similar manner to Gigers designs. I also had a very smelly room and again an angry mother.
I sprayed the rooms black and painted them in a suitable manner. I also started experimenting with washes at this stage. I did not have any purchased but rather stumbled across the concept by mistake. I was running out of a color so decided to mix in more water to make it go a little further..... and wallah, the paint settled in the crevices and the lowest points adding a weird effect and by darkening the color with some black I had a nice looking shade... by pure fluke I had created my own wash.
From here I had made a series of terrain sets from jungles to watchtowers. Before long I even started to purchase and texture my own purpose built gaming boards.
Around 98 one of my mates built a sand board. It was essentially a sand pit built into a table. It was shit. It was heavy to move, looked blnd, sand is an abrassive so paint comes off, it feels terrible and I reckon I still have some minis coughing up a grain or two to this day. Stay away from these people!
2005 and I move to Renmark. My stuff stayed packed away for about 2 months till one day I go into my corner store and notice the GW stock. I had been in this store nearly every day for the last 2 months and never noticed it. I talked to the guy behind the counter (Sean) and was invited to a Friday Nights session.
It was great and there were many tables, all of them needing work. I weezled my way up the heirarchy (now many poeple would not know there was a heirarchy at this place but there was. Essentially it was Stoners and coffee drinkers at the top... I did not take part in either so I had work to do) Basically the first thing I did was teach people how to play Mordheim properly
Anyways within a few months most of the tables had been done up in a slap dash manner (working on 3 mordheim tables with a full complement of scenery at once sucks, even more so to have it done before a tournament 2 weeks away!)
2 of the Mordheim tables missing about 60% of the scenery from each.
Then I started on the city fight stuff. Now that was a saga 2 years in the making. I knocked out the full set of what was to be at that stage prototypes in about a week. They were played over, applauded for ease of gaming then shelved for about 18 months. Nearly all would be finished 2 years after their initital construction but there are still two more pieces needing to be finished (and not by me either)
Next was the desert terrain which to my horror was a joint effort. I hate working with other people on terrain projects. I have my own style which is hard for the other person to imitate. More than a sloppy job I hate terrain that does not match!
Steve and Simpson fighting over the desert terrain
I have made boards and terrain depicting just about all the classical worlds you see in the pages of whitedwarf but have yet to create an ice world. For some reason that has never interested me and still I have no real interest in making one.
Most of my terrain has been made from scratch from card, foamcore and balsa wood with a splashing of pva. Unfortuately without the right tols and casting abilities I'll never be able to make stuff to the standard of what you see in those gaming magazines but I would really like a table of that quality hence this project.
Now that I have stopped my own glowing awesome rambling on myself its off to start collecting the things that I require to make this project a reality.